Still, a lot of people face problems while doing so. Below is a list of common errors that may appear and their most common resolutions.
Error 26403 (Failed to get group 'WinNT://Localhost/STS_WPG' or failed to add user: TFSSERVICE to group STS_WPG)
There can be several causes for this error. Check the following:
- Under Administrative Tools in the Control Panel, open Computer Management and check Groups. Make sure the STS_WG group exists. If not, this will need to be created and needs to include the TFSSetup, TFSService and TFSReports users, or whichever users you are using for setup.
- Make sure that you do not have the SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) or Windows Sharepoint Services for MSDE installed. Check Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. If it exists, remove it. Remove Windows Sharepoint Services 2.0 from the machine. Make sure you are installing Windows Sharepoint Services with SP2 that can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site. When doing the installation WSS 2.0, make sure you choose a server farm installation when it asks for the installation type.
Error 28804 (Setup cannot connect to the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report server)
This problem can happen if the machine you are installing to has multiple IP addresses, and the address that hosts the report server is not the same as the one to which DNS resolves the machine name. TFS setup will attempt to connect to the Report Server through the IP Address but if the address resolves to a secondary web site and not the report server, the request will fail with HTTP Status 404: Not Found.
To resolve this problem, chang the IP address of the report server in IIS Manager (START, RUN, INETMGR) to match the machine name IP Address and retry the installation.
Error 28805 (Setup cannot finish the request to the SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service report server. Verify that the report server is installed and running and that you have sufficient privileges to access it)
Check the following to resolve this problem:
- In the SQL Reporting Services Configuration Tool, click on the Database Setup tab and make sure you are using Windows Credentials.
- Delete encryption keys in reporting service configuration if they exist.
Error 28936 (the Team Foundation Server ServerStatus Web service failed with 404 HTTP NotFound status)
This error typically happens because you logged onto the machine with a domain account and then tried to install TFS with two local accounts. When doing TFS Setup you need to log into the machine on the local account that will be doing the install such as the local TFSSetup account (the account you will use for TFS Setup) or the admin account.
If the above fails, again check that Windows Sharepoint Services for MSDE is not installed.
Error 28925 (Calling the Team Foundation Server ServerStatus Web service failed)
This error has to do with DNS and connectivity. It is typically caused by the server name not resolving via DNS correctly. You can add the server name to the DNS server so that it resolves correctly. It can also be caused by the DNS server IPAddress not matching the other machines on the network. To check, go to START, RUN and type CMD. In the command prompt window type IPCONFIG /ALL and hit Enter. Then check the IP Address of the DNS server. Match this against the DNS Server of another machine on the network.
You can also check IIS to make sure nothing else is using port 8080. If you have something like Apache using port 8080, you will need to have it use a different port.
Error 20082 (Error Unknown)
There are a couple of known causes for this error. First and foremost, remember that when installing TFS you need to be logged in as a user that is under the same context as the TFSService and TFSReports accounts. To clarify - if the accounts that you will use for TFSService and TFSReports are domain accounts, then the account you use to setup TFS must also be a domain account and that's the account you need to be logged into. If the accounts you are using for TFSService and TFSReports are local machine accounts, then the account you use to setup TFS must be a local machine account and you must be logged in as that user. In either case, the account you use to setup TFS must have admin rights to the machine.Another possible cause for this error is that SQL Reporting Services is not configured correctly. Open the Reporting Services Configuration tool from Start, Programs (or All Programs), Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools. If you have red X's on Server Status, Report Server Virtual Directory, Report Manager Virtual Directory, Windows Service Identity, Web Service Identity, Database Setup or Initialization, you will need to resolve these before you can install. You can also start up the IIS configuration tool by going to START, RUN and type INETMGR. Expand the local computer. You should see Application Pools. Look under the Default Application Pool. Make sure ReportServer is listed in the Application Pool. Also, right click Report Server, left click properties and go to the Identity tab. Make sure this is set to run under the local system account.
Error 29112 (Report server service not configured properly)
This error can have multiple causes. Check the following:
- Reporting Services isn't configured properly, like the error says. Open the Reporting Services Configuration tool (Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools). If you don't have green checks all the way down to and including Initialization (with the exception of Encryption Keys) then this is most likely the problem. Check the following:
Server Status - If not Running, click the START button in the middle of the page
Report Server Virtual Directory - Name should read Report Server; Website should read Default Web Site
Report Manager Virtual Directory - Name should read Reports; Website should read Default Web Site
Windows Service Identity - Service Name should read Report Server; Service Account should read LocalSystem; Built In Account should be selected with Local System in the drop down boxWeb Service Identity - ASP .NET Service Account should read NT Authority\Network Service;
Report Server should read ReportServer; Report Manager should read ReportServer
Database Setup - Server Name should be the name of the machine; Database Name should read ReportServer; Credentials Type should read Service Credentials
Initialization - The machine name should be listed with the SQL Server, the ID and the Initialized check box checked. If not checked, select the instance and click the Initialize button - Make sure that the Default Application Pool in IIS Manager is set to run under the Network Service Account (Start, Run, type INETMGR, click OK. Right click Default App Pool, Properties, Identity tab)
Error 32000
This is one of those all-inclusive errors that looks really intimidating when you see it because the error itself contains a really big freaking number. 32000 comes in many flavors. It's the very end of the error that you want to look at right after the words 'non 0 value: or 'non-zero value'.
- non zero value: -2130246810 -
In INETMGR, right click the Default web site and left click on Properties. On the Directory Security tab, click Edit and make sure that Integrated Windows Authentication is being used.
In INETMGR, right click the Default web site and left click on Properties. Go to the Web Site tab. Make sure the IP Address field under Web Site Identificaiton is set to 'All Unassigned'. - non zero value:-2130242250 or -1 -
There isn't much info on this error, just that it is normally caused by a bum installation of Windows Sharepoint Services 2.0. Try removing it from ARP (Add/Remove Programs) and reinstall. - non zero value: -4 or -5
This one is typically a problem with SQL Reporting Services. Check the Reporting Services Configuration tool to make sure that you have green check marks for all items.
Open Internet Explorer and in the Address Bar, type http://machinename/reports to bring up the Reporting Services reports. If you bring up a 'Page cannot be displayed' or 401 or 404 error then Reporting Services is not correctly configured.
Good post Ayman!
It helped me with my install of TFS.
I must note that with the error 26403 , the group name must be STS_WPG and not STS_WG!
And although I received an error with the same errorcode, your detailed message between hyphens misleaded me. I thought it was not applicable to me, but I found that message in the log...
RE: Error 29112
Installing TFS RTM on clean-install Win2003 Svr, 2-server install. Previously we had TFS Beta, using same DBServer. Removed all TFS* databases. However now, on clean server install of RTM, Reporting Services is not working.
QN: Prior to TFS install (post SQL Reporting Services, post SQL SP1) - getting an error in ErrLog "Report Server Windows Service cannot connect to Database". Install instructions WARN not to open Reporting Services Config tool (yet your blog recommends we do so... is this OK?). RS is running, but not connecting. Is this the expected condition prior to TFS install?
TechNet recommends "Always use the Reporting Services Configuration tool to update the Report Server Windows service account. The Reporting Services Configuration tool automatically updates the symmetric key and database connection settings that use the service identity." I suspect we have a problem with the symmetric key and db connection settings for the service identity, but don't know how to identify/resolve.
It helped me too. Thanks for your post.
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