Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Assign Work Item to a specific user on Failed Build

Steven St Jean posted an interesting article on how you can assign the work item created on faild build to a specific user.


I just came across a post on the MSDN TFS forums that was asking how you go about assigning the workitem created on a failed build to a specific user.  I have also been asked to do this in my organization. 


Team Build will create a new workitem in your Team Project when a build fails.  The "task" is assigned to the account that ran the build.  In my case, that account is a build service account.  One of my Dev Leads asked how we could modify the build process to make the assignment to him whenever one of his builds failed.  I didn't have time to look into it, so I pretty much blew him off.  I recently had some time to look back into this subject.

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